Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My notebook

Anyone that really knows me... knows that I love to write. It's just a way to vent my frustrations, remember my thoughts later in life, and express myself. These are random thoughts. Not especially about anyone or anything in particular. It just comes to me and I feel the need to write it down. So.... I am going to start adding them and maybe someone will get something out of it. They go back to 1994 but this one is recent. Though they may sound depressing..... I can assure you that I am very happy and not insane or depressed.


I left when I should have stayed
stayed when I should have left
talked when I should have listened
was quiet when I should have spoken
cried when I should have laughed
wished when I should have prayed
spent when I should have saved
thought about it but never called
accepted the invite but didnt show
promised but didnt
swore but lied
was rebellious instead of respectful
hated when I should have loved
talked about it but didnt follow through
coveted what I didnt have
Failed to realize I had it all
fought - and wasted precious time
made up when I hould have moved on
loved when it was wrong
didnt pay attention when it was right
failed to say goodbye
didnt realize I wasnt being a friend
wasnt there when you needed me
didnt know it was the end.

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