Tuesday, March 10, 2009

OH MY GOSH ............I HAVE ENERGY!!!!

Its so frustrating. When you start a diet, you wake up after day one and expect to be thin! It's been a few weeks and I cant say I see a difference but man do I feel it. My usual routine is come home, fix dinner for the kids and plop my butt on the couch until 10pm. My entire day all I usually think about is how tired I am. This past week I have had this new found energy to just get up. I have no desire to sit and watch TV. Last night I washed all 3 cars in our driveway and then rode the exercise bike for an hour. I also noticed riding the bike is getting so much easier. (The 1st day I barely made 15 minutes!!!) My hips might not be shrinking yet but my appetite is. Pat on the back to me! Now if I can just keep it up. Say a prayer for me!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What do you listen to while exercising???

Maybe this is somewhere on the site and I have missed it. Just curious as to what you listen to when you exercise? Sometimes the right song comes on and gives me the extra little burst to keep going. But I have heard these over and over again and need something new!!! Some of my favorites are :
Push it - by Salt N Peppa (i know its old!)
Everybody Dance Now - C&C music factory
All mixed up - 311
Higher - Creed
Cowboy- Kidrock
Paperplanes - MIA
So what - PINK
Whatever you like - TI
And any song by Tool or Prodigy!!!!