So...things have been a little crazy. I am beginning to think that the reason I started the blog is to show you just how unsimple my life is. I am thankful for my life, my family, everything. There is just no down time. No quiet time. The simple days of get up and go do not exist.
My mother raised me as a family girl. Holidays were her favorite including Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since her death it seems like our families have grown apart. We visit at funerals and holidays and that is about it. Not the way it use to be for sure. I just crave the family time. People are just to busy these days. I was really looking forward to Thanksgiving. And then it happened.....
I was invited to Thanksgiving with my dad & gran. Told to bring a dish, and then uninvited basically to lunch. Weird? I thought so. My family has always had this kind of "open door" policy. You come, we love. Apparently not anymore. I understand that my family is a family of 5 and that means 5 extra settings at the table. But come on now!!! Way to hurt my feelings. Way to make me feel insecure again. Honestly, I thought my family was better than that. AND THEN....
We get to Brads house and world war 3 basically breaks out. I wont say who but there is screaming, cursing, tears. I couldnt help but laugh (and i still am) at Brads uncle trying to break it up by asking for some cheesecake. LOL. I was not involved in the screaming. It just hurt to see that go on in a family that is usually so opposite. Brads family is more like what my family once was. They would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. If you had a party of 20 you could still come to dinner. That is just the way they are. I hope this was the last time I have to see that. It broke my heart.
Well....LSU also broke my heart but we will have to save that for a whole 'nother blog.
The good part of my holiday.... Christian worked extra hard and cleaned the house 100% spotless. I came home to candles lit, and the smell of fabulosa (my favorite cleaner). I enjoyed baking with Christian as well. Cameron was on his best behavior except for a few minor flare ups when he was obviously bored out of his mind. We also went to Cabelas ....AND saw the movie BOLT in 3D. How cool. Cody said that the "movie was coming out of the movie" I guess because it was 3D.
I am still on Atkins. I did have a few slip ups but the best news is I am off Dr. Pepper. It's been almost 3 weeks I think???
I am so glad to be back at work. I sold a house yesterday and have a second showing scheduled for Saturday. Woo Hoo. I love my job.
I love my life :)
Crazy parts and all.
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