Well….Today is day 3 of the Atkins diet. So far so good. The only thing killing me is that I am not supposed to eat fruit for 2 weeks and that is hard for me since I have cut the sweets. I am going to go get some sugar free jello and pudding today. Hopefully that may help too. I love Dr. Pepper. I am so trying not to think about it right now. I went to the doctor about a month ago and she made me realize how bad I need to make this lifestyle change. It’s not even about the weight. It’s more about the self confidence, and the amount of energy I have. I am always so tired and I am sure the cokes have a lot to do with that. There are a lot of good recipes and the allowable foods at http://www.atkins.com/ and I also love http://www.3fatchicks.com/. There is a lot of useful info on their community forum.
Any motivational stuff you can send me would be helpful. Or good recipes. I am bummed. I did not know that Crystal light had carbs in it :( How depressing considering I hate water. Anyway…. That’s all I have to say about that.
Any motivational stuff you can send me would be helpful. Or good recipes. I am bummed. I did not know that Crystal light had carbs in it :( How depressing considering I hate water. Anyway…. That’s all I have to say about that.